Update > Politics as the search for Justice

Politics as the search for Justice


Instead of seeing politics as either unavoidable competition or necessary cooperation, some people believe that politics is about making a just community. This understanding sees politics as being related to justice – treating everyone as they deserve.

According to this view, communities make rules to make sure that people are treated fairly and justly. Some of the most important areas of politics that are related to justice include:

  • What people get (how resources and opportunities are distributed).

  • What people are allowed to do and what they are expected to do (rights and responsibilities).

  • What is forbidden and what should happen to people if they disturb or damage the community (rules and laws).

However, justice is a complicated and controversial idea, and people have different ideas about what justice is. Their views may be influenced by their culture, religion, social status, gender, education, and other factors.

Some important questions when thinking about justice include:

  • Should everyone be treated exactly the same?

  • Are unjust actions acceptable if they lead to a just situation?

  • Is it acceptable to harm a small number of people in order to improve the lives of a much greater number?