Update > Political Party Youth Wings in Finland

Political Party Youth Wings in Finland


Youth wings are organisations that are associated with political parties that target young (18-30) members, or potential members of their “mother party”.They are formed to gather support for their mother parties campaigns amongst young voters. Youth wings may also be discussion to debate policy and ideology.

Youth wings are an important support base for their mother parties. They are important actors in getting new members and recruiting future decision-makers. One of their core functions is influencing policy in their mother parties. In addition, they work to oversee the interests of young people.

Political youth organisations seek to awaken the interest of youth in politics and matters of social development, and to disseminate information about them in a suitable form to young people. It is often through youth organisations that parties get new, young members. Young people also challenge their parties ideologically to reform and develop. Political youth organisations are a necessary critical voice within their mother parties.

Youth organisations help to instruct young candidates in election matters and campaigning. Without youth organisations there would undoubtedly be fewer young candidates and fewer young representatives selected to positions of power in different areas. The participation of young people in policymaking is important for the representative nature of democracy. Young people are the experts on youth affairs.

Political youth organisations are a significant part of the Finnish political system. Some of the political party youth wings in Finland include:

Federation of Green Youth and Students

The Federation of Green Youth and Students is the national Green youth organisation. They claim that poverty, environmental destruction, and gender inequality are not ‘natural’ phenomena, rather political choices. They argue that it is always possible to decide otherwise.

The environment, democracy, human rights, and social justice are the four pillars of the Green movement on which the organisation is based. They argue that the present environmentally destructive way of life cannot continue. Accelerating climate change is a sign of this. They assert that we need radical measures to save the environment.

Finnish Centre Youth

Finnish Centre Youth is a political youth organisation that has an influence on society according to the political means of its values and programmes and educates young people in active citizenship. The organisation was established in 1945.

Finnish Centre Youth believes that social development must be decided on by the people. The organisation does not define the tasks of a society and the state from the viewpoint of managing capital but rather that people’s welfare and humanity, have to be the overriding values of all societal development. The principle of humaneness brings together the Finnish Centre Youth’s four values: culture, equality, the welfare of nature, and communality.

Finnish Christian Democratic Youth

The Christian Democratic Youth is an organisation that bases its activities on the “equal human dignity of every person”. All their policies start from this point. Although the policies of the youth organisation are not based on the Bible, the Christian concept of the unique value of people and life is nevertheless important to them.

In the political field, the Christian Democrats and the Christian Democratic Youth are located on the centre-right. It is, however, a feature of the policy of the youth organization to stand up for the weaker members of society.

Svensk Ungdom – the youth organisation of the Swedish People’s Party in Finland

Svensk Ungdom is the youth organisation of the Swedish People’s Party in Finland. The organisation’s primary focus is to unite the strength and ability of the Swedish speaking Finnish Youth to increase its influence in politics. Svensk Ungdom is, first and foremost, a liberal organisation and has a strong belief in individualism. It is the individual that should have the right to make its own decisions, without the government’s excessive interference and setting of boundaries. They argue that government decisions should be considered from a human perspective.

Svensk Ungdom represents a broad political ideology and considers diversity as an advantage. The organisation is made up of its members, who in turn shape its policy. Members do not have to support all the views of the organisation but can raise issues they consider important and thus influence the organisation’s politics.

Left Youth of Finland

Left Youth of Finland is a left-green and feminist civic and youth organisation that is politically active for equality, a stronger democracy, solidarity and enviromental justice against global capitalism.

Left Youth acts both on the streets and in political structures. In the opinion of Left Youth of Finland, society should guarantee everyone a secure livelihood, home, education, clean environment and autonomy regardless of the size of their wallet. A good life requires willingness to pay taxes, share our work and consume less in a more responsible way. The environment cannot be saved without dismantling global capitalism.

The Social Democratic Youth in Finland

The Social Democratic Youth, founded in 1906, is a political youth organization whose members combine a desire to make the world a more just place for all.

According to them, the social democratic aim is a society of freedom, equality and just solidarity in which each works according to his/ her ability for the welfare of him/herself and for all. The environment and every person should be cared for. Justice comes about from the balance of rights and responsibilities.

The Social Democratic Youth believe that the art of debate and openness to new ideas are important virtues in life, as we must know how to put ourselves in the position of others. The best values and deeds come about as co-operation.

True Finns Youth

The True Finns Youth is a nationalist, populist, socially conservative and anti-European Union political youth organisation. For True Finns Youth nationalism is above all the defence of Western democratic ideals, respect for unique Finnish national identity and against efforts to destroy the Nordic welfare state. Electioneering on multiculturalism at the expense of Finnish and Western culture seems short-sighted, according to the True Finns Youth.

The True Finns Youth see populism as a political philosophy that is against interests of the elite, corruption, and overt bureaucracy. The True Finns Youth support a free and a functioning market economy and companies which create wealth and well-being for the common man and woman. Material goods are not, however, ends in and of themselves, but rather just a means to promote and value humanity and humaneness.

Source: Political Youth Organisations: Strengthening the Voice of Youth in Politics: The Finnish Experience