Update > Liberalism



Liberalism puts the liberty of the individual citizen at the center of its ideology. Liberals believe that members of a political community should have as many political, economic, and personal rights and freedoms as possible. Liberal ideas have been influential for over 300 years, however it formed as a clear ideology in the end of the 17th century. The leaders of the American and French revolutions were influenced by the liberal idea that citizens should be free from autocratic rulers.

Liberals believe that there should be a very limited government, with a limited set of tasks. They believe that individuals should have the right to take part in social and economic activities without the interference of the government. They see the primary role of government is to ensure that people and businesses are able to flourish by themselves.

  • Liberals believe that political freedom creates a healthy and successful democracy because everyone can express their opinion and the best ideas will win in every debate.
  • Liberals believe that personal freedom, combined with limitations on the tasks and budget of governments will stop the government from getting too powerful and prevent tyranny.
  • Liberals believe that anything a government does (or is allowed to do) must be based on the agreement of the people.
  • Liberals are also opposed to mob-rule (decisions taken by a majority who is not capable of making wise or responsible decisions), utilitarianism (violating the rights of the few to promote the interests of the many) and majority dictates (decisions that violate minority or individual rights)

Liberalism is often related to capitalism. Capitalism is an economic system where resources and opportunities are distributed by private business relationships (not the government). Liberals value property rights because private ownership is a very important part of capitalism. So basically, another key role of government is to ensure property rights so that people and businesses can flourish by themselves.

Liberals often support tax policies that do not try to achieve the goal of economic equality. They say that people should pay equal taxes, regardless of how rich they are. Liberals often claim that high taxes for the rich are like a punishment for being economically successful.

Important Values in Liberalism


Personal freedom is the most important part of the liberal ideology. Liberals believe that political, economic, and personal rights lead to the best kind of society. Liberals argue that government power should be limited, and divided between different institutions (military, courts, president, etc.). They say that this stops leaders from getting too powerful and abusing the people’s rights. Though this idea is found in other ideologies also.

Equality of Opportunity

Liberals think that equality of opportunity is very important because of their strong belief in personal liberty. They think that a society where everyone’s political, economic and personal rights are respected will lead to a society where everyone has an equal chance to be successful.


Tolerance means accepting values, beliefs and lifestyles that are different to your own. Liberals believe that people should have as much political and personal liberty as possible. However, being free to express different ideas and values could lead to conflict. This means that people need to respect and listen to different beliefs to make a healthy society.

Economic Freedom

Liberals believe that citizens should be free to buy, sell and start businesses without interference from the government. They argue that if everyone seeks his or her economic self-interest without the interference of the government, then the whole of society will become richer and freer (McLaughlin 2013: 38-41).

Liberalism, a Confusing Term

The ideology and political-economic system of liberalism favors a high degree of individual freedom and a small state in order to ensure the greatest prosperity, even if this means tolerating inequality. Yet this definition flies in the face of the term liberal as used in the United States and Canada, which typically implies a stronger state and greater state involvement in economic affairs. This confusion stems in large part from historical developments: over time, liberals who once placed their faith in the market to expand freedom and equality came to believe more and more that state intervention was necessary. Liberals in North America essentially became what many other countries would refer to as “social democrats.”

This kind of ideological transformation did not occur in many other countries, however. Outside of North America, liberalism has retained its original meaning. Some political scientists therefore use the term classical liberalism to refer to the original tenets of the ideology. Others, particularly critics of the ideology, often use the term neoliberalism instead, indicating that the original ideas of liberalism (free markets and greater individualism along with a tolerance for inequality) are resurgent around the world.

So, the term liberal can have many different meanings:

  1. As a political attitude: favoring slow, evolutionary change
  2. As a political ideology in North America: favoring a greater state role in limiting inequality, or what many outsides of the region would call “social democracy"
  3. As a political ideology outside of North America: favoring free markets and individualism, accepting greater inequality.
  4. As a political economy: favoring a limited state role in the economy

Source: Essentials of Comparative Politics